Spirit Week 2023

It is Spirit Week this week! If you would like, your student is invited to show school spirit by participating in our Spirit Week. If you do not want to participate in Spirt Week, regular clothes and backpack all week is of course okay!

Monday December 11: Dress from a Different Era Day (like the 1950’s, 1980’s, etc.)

Tuesday December 12: Anything but a Backpack Day (instead of bringing a backpack, find a creative way/container to carry your things to school)

Wednesday December 13: Dress like your Teacher Day

Thursday December 14: Wacky Top of your Head Day (this could be a funny hairstyle, hat, or headband)

Friday December 15: Read-the-Day-Away in Pajamas Day (students can wear their pajamas or other comfy clothing and will get extra time to read in class)

Bingo Night

Come join us at BINGO NIGHT! Bingo Games for adults and kids!

Want to help support more events like this at school? Click the Paypal button below to donate!

TM Cares Fundraising

Our TM Cares Fund helps us to support families in our community who are in need. We are trying to raise $5000 to help with funding this school year. You can donate via PayPal or bring gift cards or checks made out to FTME to the office. Thank you for helping all our families have a happy holiday!

  • $25 can buy a grocery gift card to fund a holiday meal
  • $50 can buy a warm winter coat
  • $100 can pay a power bill
  • $200 can pay a portion of a rent bill